Welcome to Year 3
Miss Hughes 3HR (Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri) Class Teacher |
Mrs Robinson 3HR (Wed) Class Teacher
Mrs Wigfield 3HR Teaching support |
Mrs Desmond 3D Class Teacher |
Mrs Harris 3D Teaching support |
Science: Rocks and Soils, Forces
Geography: Rivers and Mountains
History: Ancient Egypt and Cradles of Civilisation
RE: Hinduism
PE: Children should come to school in their PE kits on a PE day. Children should wear their colour T-shirt of the planet group they're in with blue or black shorts and trainers. Your child can wear their school jumper or cardigan or a plain sweatshirt (no logos please).
We are looking forward to taking part in PE fundamentals, football, dance and tag rugby this term.
ART/DT: Any practical art/D.T. work will be undertaken on a Monday (3HR)/Thursday (3D) afternoon. If you would like your child to wear an old t-shirt, shirt or apron to protect their clothes, please send one in to keep in their locker. Please make sure they can independently put it on and take it off.
We will be creating a 'Fauve' portrait, watercolours and castle construction during this term.
Computing: As we are working online a lot more these days, we all need to ensure that we are staying safe and understand how to do that successfully.
Here are some useful websites and games that can help you to learn more.
We will be teaching children to use the Scratch Learning Programme this term.
Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB
01483 274315