Park Mead Primary



Geography at Park Mead Primary School intends for children to reach their full potential and become informed global citizens. Our aim is to motivate children through exciting and interesting lessons which promote challenge, curiosity and independence. We believe teaching should equip children with the knowledge to understand the diversity of the world around them, help them understand their place in the wider world and to develop a true love of learning, curiosity and fascination in the world around them.

We aim to enable children to deepen their geographical knowledge and skills. By the end of Key Stage 2, children leave with a good understanding of physical and human processes, and how these relate to local and global issues.


The core of our Geography curriculum is the statutory National Curriculum. We build our school curriculum around this and ensure knowledge and skills are covered and progressed by a series of curriculum maps, the maps give each year group a curriculum focus, and these focuses are assessed through summative and formative assessment by teachers. Teachers track progress in the current year and reflect on previous learning. This allows teachers to understand and build upon children’s knowledge and skills providing access and inclusion to all.

Geography is enhanced through enrichment activities such as One World Day, our school grounds, including the nature area, fieldwork focus afternoons, investigating the local area and fieldwork during school trips. Through this, children will build practical skills and embed knowledge. They will work individually, in groups and in classes to deepen their fascination and develop enquiry skills. Park Mead Primary School has a dedicated Eco-Council and is working hard to become a recognised Eco-School. All children are part of this journey allowing a deeper understanding of the physical world and its fragility.


The outcomes of our geography teaching are shown through children’s work and school displays. These are evidence of a broad and balanced Geography curriculum and shows the children’s journey of new knowledge and skills. Geography is monitored through a variety of strategies, such as book reviews, lesson observations, pupil voice and feedback from teachers, parents and children. We aim for all children to achieve age-related expectations in Geography at the end of Key Stage 2 and that they will have a good understanding of the world around them and the enthusiasm to continue their learning journey in an ever-changing and fascinating subject.


Curriculum Statement

Geography Policy

Progression of

Knowledge and Skills



Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315