Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB
01483 274315
Kindness, Curiosity and Determination
BBC 10 Pieces
Lots of great videos and activities about our composers of the week.
Bring the Noise: Play It !
Explore how songs are created and sing or play along.
BBC iPlayer Melody
Melody is a partially sighted girl who imagines stories, inspired by classical music.
Great for EYFS and KS1
You Tube: Line Rider
Animations inspired by great classical music.
Body Percussion with Ollie Tunmer
Fun and engaging videos. Ollie did great workshops with our Year 4 and 5 children.
You Tube: Ukualiens
Great play along videos if you have a ukulele at home.
VMM Recorder Songs
Play along recorder songs at different levels, from basic onwards.
You Tube: DrJillReese
More play along ukulele songs, grouped by chord knowledge.